Tuesday, 9 December 2014

Main Task: Contents Page - Text

All of the text on the contents page is in Pepertua Tiling except the main title which is in Engravers, and the small text in the grey box which is Perpetua.

 For the title of my page, I used Engravers for my text with a stroke outline and white text. This text is also the largest on the page so it draws attention to itself. It is also the only text with an outline.

The second largest text is the list of content. I used Perpetua Tiling for this as it was a wider version of Engravers. From there, I used both white and red, the red being used to highlight the corresponding articles to the pictures below. The text spreads across the width of the page to fill in the space while also being slightly subtle as it blends into the background slightly.

I used the same font for the captions of the images below the list.

The last bit of text on the page is within the grey box. This is to draw separate attention to it as the box puts it into it's own section which makes it seem important. As well as that, it stands out more. the text itself is a simple introduction to the magazine, and is paired with a picture as to give it an editorial aspect.

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